
Upon enrollment and any changes to tuition, families are provided a Financial Contract. This contract should be carefully reviewed and checked for errors. The contract states the days and hours your child may be at The Astounding Academy as well as the amount due each week or month. This contract is binding and can only be changed with approval and signatures from parents and the Director.

Fun educational. adventurous field trips and activities.

STEM implementation

Trained and Certified Teachers

High quality curriculum



Parents Responsibility

Tuition is paid using Procare. Please contact  to set up payments online via Procare. Tuition payments are due each Friday for the current week. In addition to tuition, we require a non-refundable annual registration fee. As part of the registration process an account will be created for you in our online portal called Procare. The payment preference is a recurring debit card payment or ACH (Automatic Clearing House) payment through a checking account. Credit card payments options are also available, although we may restrict which type of cards will be accepted. Parents may make payments in school by using a credit card, debit card, or check

All payments rejected due to insufficient funds will be charged a $50 penalty. Missed payments and late fees must be paid within a week. Repeated incidents could result in termination of child care services. A payment plan should be discussed with the office if a family is having trouble making tuition payments

The Astounding Academy closes at 6:30pm, Monday through Friday. Parents will be charged $2.00 for every minute a child is present after their contracted pick-up time (this will pay for the teachers’ time when they have to stay past their scheduled out time). Teachers will record late fees for processing. If there is a late pick-up fee, parents will receive a written notice from the Assistant Director stating the amount of the late pick-up fee. The fee will be added to your payment the following week.

Families with two or more children enrolled full-time at The Astounding Academy are eligible for a 10 percent discount to be applied to the oldest child’s weekly tuition fee. To take advantage of this discount, full tuition must be paid for the child with the highest tuition base. The discount is then applied to the other child enrolled from the same family. In most cases, the discount will apply to the tuition for the oldest child.

Each fall, The Astounding Academy completes an audit of enrollment records. At the conclusion of this audit, families will be notified if anything needs to be updated. Some forms must be updated every year, including the Emergency Contact and Medical Consent form. Other records must be updated throughout the year, such as physicals and immunization records. When visiting your child’s physician for a yearly “well-child” appointment, please request a copy of your child’s physical and most recent immunization record. You may bring these items in yourself.

We remain committed to doing everything possible to support our community and families. That includes offering flexible scheduling options for families whose routines have recently changed. We offer part-time care for 3 days minimum a week Drop-In Care is perfect for those who:

Need care during holidays or school breaks
Have part-time jobs
Work an irregular schedule
Find yourself in need of just a few days of child care
We are here to help.


Our center will be closed.